- Ver.1.2.0 (Updated March 7, 2019)・Chinese (Traditional) and Korean language support has been added.
●Ver.1.3.0 (Updated March 7, 2019)
【Known Issues】
・Equipping the Striker Pack DLC weapon “Grimoire” on the Witch and performing some actions, such as jumping, will cause the game to crash.
Also, loading the game as the Witch with the “Grimoire” equipped will also cause the game to crash.
Please follow the steps below if you are experiencing this issue:
①After starting the game, do not move the character, and open the menu.
②Select “Shortcuts” from the menu and enter a building.
③Inside the building, equip the Witch with a magic tome other than “Grimoire”.
We are working on a patch to fix this issue as soon as possible. We will announce the date for this patch as soon as it is decided.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused by this issue.
・The amount of experience points awarded for completing a quest has been changed.
→ With this update, the amount of experience points earned for completing quests has decreased.
・The amount of experience points earned by defeating enemies during quests has changed.
→With this update, the amount of experience points earned has increased、therefore increasing the overall amount of experience earned when failing a quest.
・When using the Shortcuts menu in town to move to a location, you will now be placed directly inside the building instead of outside it.
・The menu can now be opened in town while the game is auto-saving.
・Accessories can now be equipped/unequipped during quests by selecting “Check Equipment” on the menu screen.
・Messages that explain what each facility does now display when a character enters the capital city of Medius for the first time.
・Equipment can now be changed at the Bar when selecting a quest in single player mode.
・”Hunt for named monsters” has been added to the lists of requests available for multiplayer games.
・Players can now still use chat features in online multiplayer lobbies even after confirming that they are ready to depart.
・Players can now choose any difficulty level for a quest in online open matches, even if they have not previously unlocked that difficulty level.
・Bonus stat points that were left unallocated during a quest result screen due to a connection failure can now be allocated by choosing the “reset bonus points” option at Atruum’s Den.
・The negative status effect “burn” now lasts longer.
・The negative status effect “poison” now lasts as long for enemies in multiplayer as it does for single player.
・The negative status effect “frostbite” now reduces an enemy’s AGI stat instead of restricting their movement.
・Enemies can now be knocked back in the air even after being launched into an airborne state.
・A sound effect now plays when receiving a Dragonite item during a conversation in town.
・Animated trailer version A and version B have been added to the game.
→ These are unlocked once certain conditions are met, and will play from the Title Screen after a period of inactivity.
・The amount of DP awarded to allies when your character recovers DP in multiplayer has been reduced.
・After taking damage in mid-air, players will now be able to move after a certain period of time.
・Each character’s movement speed has been adjusted, reducing the difference in speed between the characters.
・The balance of physical attack power between the Empress, Warrior, and Shinobi has been adjusted.
・Knockback has been added to the Empress’s airborne Dragon Sword
・The attack range for the third slash in the Empress’s sword combo has been increased.
・Physical damage has been increased on a portion of the Empress’s attacks
・DP recovery has been increased on a portion of the Empress’s attacks
・The Empress’s grounded Dragon Sword can now be cancelled into Dragon Shot
・The recovery on the Empress’s airborne Dragon Sword can now be cancelled into Dragon Shot or a sword attack
・The Empress’s mid-air Dragon Sword attack speed has been increased.
・The Empress’s Dragon Cannon now takes less time to activate, fire, and stop firing.
・The Empress’s Dragon Cannon now has the same firing range as the Dragon Shot.
・DP recovery has been increased on a portion of the Warrior’s attacks
・The Warrior’s Dragon Guard now requires less DP to activate.
・The Warrior’s Dragon Guard now requires more DP to maintain.
・The Warrior’s Dragon Tackle and Dragon Smash now require less DP to use.
・The Shinobi’s Dragon Skill attack power has been decreased.
・The Shinobi’s mid-air attack power and DP recovery amounts have been decreased
・The Shinobi’s Dragon Kick attack can now poison enemies.
・Enemies and bosses over Level 50 will get increased magic resistance if magic attacks with the same elemental properties are used in succession.
・The equipment effect of “+XX% dmg. to Lv.YY enemies” has been changed
→ In accordance with this change, it will now read “+XX% physical damage to Lv. YY+ enemies.”
Old version: Equipped characters would have all damage increased by XX% to enemies above your character level by at least YY.
New version: Equipped characters will have physical damage increased by XX% to enemies above your character level by at least YY.
・New equipment effect, “+XX% M.dmg. to Lv.YY+ enemies” has been added.
・Equipment effects “+XX% dmg. to primal enemies”, “+XX% dmg. to Deva enemies”, and “+XX% dmg. to Asura enemies” have been changed.
→ In accordance with this change, it will now read “+XX% P.dmg. to ‘primal’ enemies”
Old version: Equipped characters would have all damage increased by XX% to ‘primal’ enemies.
New version: Equipped characters will have physical damage increased by XX% to ‘primal’ enemies.
・New equipment effects “+XX% M.dmg. to primal enemies”, “+XX% M.dmg. to Deva enemies”, and “+XX% M.dmg. to Asura enemies” have been added.
・Equipment effect “Atk. +XX% during Drg Sphere” has been changed
→ In accordance with this change, it will now read “P.Atk. +XX% during Drg Sphere ”
Old version: All damage increased by XX% during Dragon Combo
New version: Physical damage increased by XX% during Dragon Combo
・Activation conditions of equipment effect “Resist instant death” have been changed
→ When the player is at low health and the character sprite appears tired, the effect will no longer activate.
Old version: As long as the player had 2 or more HP, an attack that would reduce their HP to 0 would instead bring them to 1 HP.
New version: If the player is above 25% HP, an attack that would reduce their HP to 0 will instead bring them to 1 HP.
・Low to mid level physical weapons have had their attack power adjusted.
→ Affected weapons are listed below.
[Empress Weapons]
Shortsword 6 → 9
Shortsword +1 10 → 11
Shortsword +2 15 → 16
Shortsword +3 20 → 21
Hunter’s Sword 8 → 10
Hunter’s Sword +1 13 → 14
Hunter’s Sword +3 21 → 24
Wakizashi 11 → 12
Wakizashi +2 19 → 20
Wakizashi +3 22 → 27
[Warrior Weapons]
Light Axe 15 → 45
Light Axe +1 43 → 55
Felling Axe 25 → 50
Felling Axe +1 53 → 65
Battle Axe 40 → 55
Battle Axe +1 61 → 68
Bardiche 54 → 60
Bardiche +1 75 → 85
Broad Axe 68 → 70
[Shinobi Weapons]
Short Kunai 4 → 6
Short Kunai +1 4 → 7
Short Kunai +2 5 → 7
Short Kunai +3 7 → 8
Carving Knife 5 → 7
Carving Knife +1 6 → 7
Carving Knife +2 6 → 8
Khukuri 6 → 8
Khukuri +1 7 → 9
Jitte 7 → 9
Long Kunai 8 → 9
Long Kunai +1 9 → 10
・Effects on the weapon “Rune Anelace” have been changed
Old version: Magic weapon, +50% dmg. to primal enemies
New version: Magic weapon, +50% M.dmg. to primal enemies
・Effects on the weapon “Khukuri+3” have been changed
Old version: +50% dmg. to primal enemies, +100% dmg to Lv.10+ enemies, +100% dmg. during Drg Sphere
New version: +50% P.dmg. to primal enemies, +50% P.dmg. to Lv. 10+ enemies, +100% P.dmg. during Drg Sphere
・Effects on the weapon “Ninja Swords+3” have been changed
Old version: Magic weapon, +50% dmg. to Deva enemies
New version: Magic weapon, +50% M.dmg. to Deva enemies, Night vision
・The equipment effect “+50% dmg. to Asura enemies” has been changed to “+50% M.dmg. to Asura enemies” on magic tomes
・Equipment effects on the accessory “Amulet of Darkness” have been changed
Old version: Resist instant death, Aggro -25%, +50% dmg to Lv. 10+ enemies
New version: Aggro -25%, +25% P.dmg. to Lv. 15+ enemies, +25% M.dmg. to Lv. 15+ enemies
・Equipment effects on the accessory “Amulet of Darkness+1” have been changed
Old version: Resist instant death, Aggro -25%, +50% dmg to Lv. 10+ enemies
New version: Aggro -45%, +50% P.dmg. to Lv. 25+ enemies, +50% M.dmg. to Lv. 25+ enemies
【Changes to Enemies】
・Named Monsters (NM) have been added
→ It is recommended to have a full, high level party for this content.
→ To complete these fights at the current level cap, rare equipment will be necessary.
・The positions where enemies appear during “Kill them all!” fights have been changed.
・As there was an area that the boss Vasith’s attacks would not reach, Vasith’s attack area has been adjusted.
・The single player tutorial quest “The Doomed Clan” can now be selected.
・The quest “Marked For Death” can now be played at difficulty level 65.
・To accommodate the addition of Named Monsters, parts of certain maps have been changed.
・The lowest difficulty level for the ” Dreaming of Treasure ” quest has been reduced from 5 to 3.
・The placement of treasure chests when playing “The Doomed Clan” tutorial quest as the Warrior has changed.
・Except for certain quests, boss’s levels have been changed to be 5 to 6 levels above the quest level.
【Fixed Issues】
・Fixed an issue where the game would close with an error when starting on a Switch with the language set to Chinese (Traditional) or Korean.
・Fixed an issue where the portrait for Ordo would not display correctly.
・Fixed an issue where the text log displayed incorrect text when curing confusion.
・Fixed an issue where a portion of the ending graphic displayed incorrectly.
・Fixed an error in calculating money earned when at the maximum limit.
・Fixed an issue where items were not properly sold when receiving a number over the limit on the result screen.
・Fixed an issue where treasure chest mimics would disappear when separated from the player.
・Fixed an issue where treasure chests could appear again after opening.
・Fixed an issue where treasure chests could be opened through walls.
・Fixed an issue where the effects of used and picked up items were not properly applied.
・Fixed an issue with the color palette of the Felling Axe.
・Fixed an issue where the weapon effect “Deals magic damage” affected non-physical damage.
・Fixed an issue where AGI was not properly affecting the Empress’s accuracy.
・Fixed an error with the graphics displayed after the Warrior landed a charge attack.
・Fixed an issue where the witch’s bullets from a failed cast were the wrong element.
・Fixed an issue where HP healed by magic and the Dragon Guard was not calculated correctly.
・Fixed enemy behavior after attacks slamming them to the ground.
・Fixed an issue where the Dragon Combo sequence would not properly end.
・Fixed an issue where the camera distance would change following a Dragon Combo.
・Fixed an issue where the screen would not display properly after skipping the cut scene at the beginning of a quest.
・Fixed an issue where the camera distance would change following a quest cut scene.
・Fixed an issue where NPC health was not properly restored on NPC defense quests.
・Fixed an issue where Eterno’s status was not properly applied on the quest “Undying Dragon”.
・Fixed an issue where NPC footsteps could not be heard on the quest “Frozen Fusion”.
・Fixed an issue where the ending cutscene of “They Come from Hell” could not be skipped.
・Fixed an issue with the collision on Asura’s Gate in the quests “Calamity’s Portent” and “They Come from Hell”.
・Fixed an issue with terrain collision on the quest “Soul Vessel”.
・Fixed an issue where the Shinobi could enter an unintended area in quests at the Ogre’s Fort.
・Fixed an issue that would appear when fighting the Mandrake boss that would cause Skullbee enemies to not regenerate if they were defeated outside of a certain range.
・Fixed an issue that would appear when fighting the Jinryu boss that would cause the lightning dragon to behave irregularly if a Dragon Sphere was acquired during the lightning dragon attack.
・Fixed an issue that would appear when fighting the Asura Dragon boss that would cause the visual effects of the tornado attack to not display properly.
・Fixed an issue that caused the first form of the final boss to move outside of the screen in the most recent version.
・Fixed an issue that caused the first form of the final boss to be set to the wrong enemy type in the most recent version.
・Fixed an issue that caused the “Tough Chick” enemy to not be able to move forward on diagonal terrain.
・Connection stability for local and online multiplayer modes has been improved.
・Fixed an issue that caused searches for “Level 1 ± 10” types of online multiplayer matches to not work properly.
・Fixed an issue that sometimes caused no error message to display when a search failed to produce results for online multiplayer searches.
・Fixed an issue that allowed players to select quests in multiplayer modes that they normally did not have access to yet.
・Fixed an issue that caused the Results screen in multiplayer games to go away due to a connection error before players were able to apply their bonus stat points.
・Fixed an issue that caused some enemies to not die when they normally should in multiplayer games.
・Fixed an issue that was making enemies appear in multiplayer games that were unable to be attacked.
・Fixed an issue that caused other players’ sound effects to come through during cut scenes in multiplayer games.
・Fixed an issue that caused connection problems when talking to the NPC “Eterno” during the “Undying Dragon” quest in multiplayer games.
・Fixed an issue that caused the background music to stop playing during cutscenes in the “Tomb Rescue” quest in multiplayer games.
・Fixed an issue that caused connection sync problems when the “Cthulhu” boss is defeated.
・Fixed an issue that caused connection sync problems when the “Twin Dragons” boss is defeated.
・Fixed an issue that caused connection sync problems with the “Vasith” boss.
・Fixed an issue that caused connection sync problems with the “Flygolin” enemy.
・Fixed an issue that caused connection sync problems with the “Thundertoad” enemy.
・Various other display and behavior related issues have also been fixed.